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Our Supporters

Below is a list of all the amazing supporting organisations that share Portsmouth City of Sanctuary’s humanitarian principles.

If you are a supporting organisation please include our Pompey Sanctuary footer in your email!

  1. A1 Print Services
  2. Abri
  3. Ace Processors
  4. Action Asylum
  5. Active Community Network
  6. Admiral Lord Nelson School
  7. African Women’s Forum
  8. Age UK Portsmouth
  9. All Saints Church
  10. Amanda Martin MP
  11. Anglican Diocese of Portsmouth & Council for Social Responsibility
  12. Arms Around The Child 
  13. ArtReach
  14. Art Space
  15. Asher Design & Print Ltd
  16. Aspex Gallery
  17. Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees (AVID)
  18. Assured Care Domiciliary Care
  19. Autism Hampshire
  20. Baby Basics Portsmouth
  21. Bangladeshi Welfare Society
  22. Barnados
  23. Beddow Library
  24. Beryl Bikes
  25. Big Yellow Self Storage Portsmouth
  26. Biscoes Solicitors
  27. Bold Forester
  28. Boxing Awards Limited
  29. Brambles Infant School and Nursery
  30. Bridge to Unity
  31. British Red Cross
  32. Building Pathways
  33. Cameroon Association
  34. Care4Calais
  35. Caritas
  36. Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
  37. Chichester City of Sanctuary
  38. Chichester Welcomes Refugees
  39. Christ Central Church
  40. Churches Together in Cosham
  41. Citizens UK
  42. Citizenship, Race and Belonging Research Group, University of Portsmouth
  43. City Life Church Portsmouth
  44. City of Portsmouth College
  45. Clearsprings Ready Homes
  46. Community Cycle Centre
  47. Community First
  48. Company of Makers
  49. Compassionate Portsmouth
  50. Concept Training
  51. Coop
  52. Cornerstone Church
  53. Corpus Christi Primary School
  54. Cycle Works UK
  55. Creative Harbour Foundation
  56. Dame Caroline Dineage MP
  57. Doctors of the World
  58. Downtown Pompey
  59. Drum Nation Tribe
  60. Dzintars
  61. Emari
  62. Enable Ability
  63. Endometriosis South Coast
  64. Energise Me
  65. Engendering Change
  66. Espoir
  67. Eternal Muse
  68. Family Church
  69. Fine Voice Academy
  70. Film Crew 4u
  71. Flow Observatorium
  72. Flying Solo
  73. Free Flow Portsmouth
  74. Friends Without Borders
  75. Funk Format
  76. Gambia Association
  77. Ghana Association
  78. Givt
  79. GoodGym
  80. Gosport Voluntary Action
  81. Gosport Discovery Centre
  82. Grace to Restore
  83. Gunwharf Quays
  84. Guru Nanak Sar Gurdwara
  85. Habiganj Zila Association
  86. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
  87. Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
  88. Hampshire Community Rail Partnership
  89. Hampshire Constabulary
  90. Hampshire Fire and Rescue
  91. Harbour Church
  92. Havant and South Downs College
  93. Hills to Harbour Community Rail Partnership
  94. Hitch Marketing Ltd
  95. HIVE Portsmouth
  96. Homestart
  97. Hope in Action Portsmouth
  98. Hunter Gatherer Coffee
  99. International College Portsmouth
  100. Islamic Provision 
  101. Island City Living
  102. Jami Mosque
  103. John Pounds Centre
  104. Journeys Festival International (JFI)
  105. Kailani Dance
  106. King’s Church
  107. King’s Theatre
  108. King’s Trust
  109. Landport Community Centre
  110. Learning and Skills Solutions Limited
  111. Leopold Tavern
  112. Lily and Lime
  113. Loaves of Love
  114. Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire
  115. Madani Academy Junior School
  116. Making Waves Film Festival
  117. Mary Rose Museum
  118. Medaille Trust
  119. Meon Junior School
  120. Milton Cross Academy
  121. MOPP- Moving On Project Portsmouth
  122. Moriah Family Support Group
  123. Motiv8
  124. Move Training centre
  125. National Museum of the Royal Navy
  126. Neck of the Woods Films
  127. Neptune Girls
  128. New Foundations Community Chaplaincy
  129. New Theatre Royal
  130. No 6 Cinema
  131. Noah Mapalo
  132. North End Baptist Church
  133. Olufemi Creates
  134. One World Week
  135. OVO
  136. Palladium Group
  137. Paraffin
  138. PARCS
  139. Peter Langdown photography
  140. People and Stories
  141. People Clever
  142. Polish Migrants Organise for Change (POMAC)
  143. Pompey in the Community
  144. PompeyReset
  145. Pompey Safe Spaces
  146. Poow media
  147. Portsmouth Autism Community Forum
  148. Portsmouth Bangladesh Business Association
  149. Portsmouth Black History Committee
  150. Portsmouth Breastfeeding Welcome
  151. Portsmouth Carers Service
  152. Portsmouth Central Mosque
  153. Portsmouth Central Library
  154. Portsmouth City Council
  155. Portsmouth Creates
  156. Portsmouth Cultural Trust (Guildhall)
  157. Ports Fest
  158. Portsmouth Dignity Network
  159. Portsmouth Football Club
  160. Portsmouth Friendship Centre
  161. Portsmouth Grammar School 
  162. Portsmouth International Port
  163. Portsmouth Muslim Academy
  164. Portsmouth Parent Board
  165. Portsmouth Pensioners association
  166. Portsmouth Pride Trust
  167. Portsmouth Scouts
  168. Portsmouth Sikh Welfare (GURU NANAK SAR – Gurdwara)
  169. Portsmouth Street Pastors 
  170. Portsmouth Trades Council
  171. Portsmouth Women’s Alliance
  172. Portsmouth Youth Cabinet
  173. Positive Minds
  174. Pregnancy Options Centre
  175. Provide A Meal
  176. Qcurb Build Ltd
  177. Rangknit
  178. Redeemed Christian Church of God
  179. Refugees at Home
  180. Reset Communities and Refugees
  181. Restorative Justice Hampshire 
  182. Rotary Club of Portsmouth and Southsea
  183. Royal Beach Hotel
  184. Royal Naval Association
  185. Rural Refugee Network
  186. Salvation Army
  187. Santander (Portsmouth Branch)
  188. Sea Dog Print Studio
  189. Seekers Create
  190. Shaping Portsmouth
  191. Share (Portsmouth), The Library of Things
  192. Society of St James
  193. Solent Mind
  194. Solent NHS Trust
  195. Solent Sports
  196. South East Strategic Partnership for Migration
  197. Southern Area Interfaith Network
  198. Southsea Castle Rotary Club
  199. Southsea Coffee
  200. Southsea Gallery
  201. Southsea Green
  202. Southsea Morning Women’s Institute
  203. Soroptimist International Solent East
  204. SPA 61
  205. Spark Community Space
  206. Sported UK
  207. St Luke’s Church
  208. St Margaret’s Community Church
  209. St Michael’s and All Angels
  210. St Ronan’s Residential and Nursing Home
  211. St. Simon’s Church
  212. Stand up to Racism, Portsmouth
  213. Star and Crescent
  214. Stephen Morgan MP
  215. Still and West
  216. Stop Domestic Abuse
  217. Stop the Traffik
  218. Sudanese Community in Portsmouth
  219. Sustrans
  220. The Box
  221. The Bridge Tavern
  222. The Briny
  223. The Canteen
  224. The Coastal Kitchen Family
  225. The Girls’ Network 
  226. The Host Space
  227. The Mindful Movement Coach
  228. The News
  229. The Parenting Network
  230. The People’s Lounge
  231. The Roberts Centre
  232. The Royal Albert
  233. The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans
  234. The Tenth Hole
  235. The Wedgewood Rooms
  236. The YOU Trust
  237. Top Banana Cycling
  238. Toyosi kitchen
  239. Trash Arts
  240. Trash Cafe
  241. Treetops Centre
  242. Two Saints
  243. UK Cycling
  244. University of Portsmouth
  245. University of Winchester
  246. URBOND
  247. Veterans Outreach Support
  248. Victorious Events 
  249. Vista
  250. Wessex Jamaat – The Al Mahdi Centre
  251. Wimbledon Park Patch
  252. Winchester City Council
  253. Winchester City of Sanctuary
  254. Work Better Innovations
  255. Workers Education Association
  256. You Fit at Holiday Inn
  257. Yellow Edge Gallery
  258. YMCA
  259. Zesh Rehman Foundation
  260. 4pmPrint​
  261. 432Nomads