Below is a list of all the amazing supporting organisations that share Portsmouth City of Sanctuary’s humanitarian principles.
If you are a supporting organisation please include our Pompey Sanctuary footer in your email!
- A1 Print Services
- Abri
- Ace Processors
- Action Asylum
- Active Community Network
- Admiral Lord Nelson School
- African Women’s Forum
- Age UK Portsmouth
- All Saints Church
- Amanda Martin MP
- Anglican Diocese of Portsmouth & Council for Social Responsibility
- Arms Around The Child
- ArtReach
- Art Space
- Asher Design & Print Ltd
- Aspex Gallery
- Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees (AVID)
- Assured Care Domiciliary Care
- Autism Hampshire
- Baby Basics Portsmouth
- Bangladeshi Welfare Society
- Barnados
- Beddow Library
- Beryl Bikes
- Big Yellow Self Storage Portsmouth
- Biscoes Solicitors
- Bold Forester
- Boxing Awards Limited
- Brambles Infant School and Nursery
- Bridge to Unity
- British Red Cross
- Building Pathways
- Cameroon Association
- Care4Calais
- Caritas
- Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
- Chichester City of Sanctuary
- Chichester Welcomes Refugees
- Christ Central Church
- Churches Together in Cosham
- Citizens UK
- Citizenship, Race and Belonging Research Group, University of Portsmouth
- City Life Church Portsmouth
- City of Portsmouth College
- Clearsprings Ready Homes
- Community Cycle Centre
- Community First
- Company of Makers
- Compassionate Portsmouth
- Concept Training
- Coop
- Cornerstone Church
- Corpus Christi Primary School
- Cycle Works UK
- Creative Harbour Foundation
- Dame Caroline Dineage MP
- Doctors of the World
- Downtown Pompey
- Drum Nation Tribe
- Dzintars
- Emari
- Enable Ability
- Endometriosis South Coast
- Energise Me
- Engendering Change
- Espoir
- Eternal Muse
- Family Church
- Fine Voice Academy
- Film Crew 4u
- Flow Observatorium
- Flying Solo
- Free Flow Portsmouth
- Friends Without Borders
- Funk Format
- Gambia Association
- Ghana Association
- Givt
- GoodGym
- Gosport Voluntary Action
- Gosport Discovery Centre
- Grace to Restore
- Gunwharf Quays
- Guru Nanak Sar Gurdwara
- Habiganj Zila Association
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
- Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
- Hampshire Community Rail Partnership
- Hampshire Constabulary
- Hampshire Fire and Rescue
- Harbour Church
- Havant and South Downs College
- Hills to Harbour Community Rail Partnership
- Hitch Marketing Ltd
- HIVE Portsmouth
- Homestart
- Hope in Action Portsmouth
- Hunter Gatherer Coffee
- International College Portsmouth
- Islamic Provision
- Island City Living
- Jami Mosque
- John Pounds Centre
- Journeys Festival International (JFI)
- Kailani Dance
- King’s Church
- King’s Theatre
- King’s Trust
- Landport Community Centre
- Learning and Skills Solutions Limited
- Leopold Tavern
- Lily and Lime
- Loaves of Love
- Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire
- Madani Academy Junior School
- Making Waves Film Festival
- Mary Rose Museum
- Medaille Trust
- Meon Junior School
- Milton Cross Academy
- MOPP- Moving On Project Portsmouth
- Moriah Family Support Group
- Motiv8
- Move Training centre
- National Museum of the Royal Navy
- Neck of the Woods Films
- Neptune Girls
- New Foundations Community Chaplaincy
- New Theatre Royal
- No 6 Cinema
- Noah Mapalo
- North End Baptist Church
- Olufemi Creates
- One World Week
- Palladium Group
- Paraffin
- Peter Langdown photography
- People and Stories
- People Clever
- Polish Migrants Organise for Change (POMAC)
- Pompey in the Community
- PompeyReset
- Pompey Safe Spaces
- Poow media
- Portsmouth Autism Community Forum
- Portsmouth Bangladesh Business Association
- Portsmouth Black History Committee
- Portsmouth Breastfeeding Welcome
- Portsmouth Carers Service
- Portsmouth Central Mosque
- Portsmouth Central Library
- Portsmouth City Council
- Portsmouth Creates
- Portsmouth Cultural Trust (Guildhall)
- Ports Fest
- Portsmouth Dignity Network
- Portsmouth Football Club
- Portsmouth Friendship Centre
- Portsmouth Grammar School
- Portsmouth International Port
- Portsmouth Muslim Academy
- Portsmouth Parent Board
- Portsmouth Pensioners association
- Portsmouth Pride Trust
- Portsmouth Scouts
- Portsmouth Sikh Welfare (GURU NANAK SAR – Gurdwara)
- Portsmouth Street Pastors
- Portsmouth Trades Council
- Portsmouth Women’s Alliance
- Portsmouth Youth Cabinet
- Positive Minds
- Pregnancy Options Centre
- Provide A Meal
- Qcurb Build Ltd
- Rangknit
- Redeemed Christian Church of God
- Refugees at Home
- Reset Communities and Refugees
- Restorative Justice Hampshire
- Rotary Club of Portsmouth and Southsea
- Royal Beach Hotel
- Royal Naval Association
- Rural Refugee Network
- Salvation Army
- Santander (Portsmouth Branch)
- Sea Dog Print Studio
- Seekers Create
- Shaping Portsmouth
- Share (Portsmouth), The Library of Things
- Society of St James
- Solent Mind
- Solent NHS Trust
- Solent Sports
- South East Strategic Partnership for Migration
- Southern Area Interfaith Network
- Southsea Castle Rotary Club
- Southsea Coffee
- Southsea Gallery
- Southsea Green
- Southsea Morning Women’s Institute
- Soroptimist International Solent East
- SPA 61
- Spark Community Space
- Sported UK
- St Luke’s Church
- St Margaret’s Community Church
- St Michael’s and All Angels
- St Ronan’s Residential and Nursing Home
- St. Simon’s Church
- Stand up to Racism, Portsmouth
- Star and Crescent
- Stephen Morgan MP
- Still and West
- Stop Domestic Abuse
- Stop the Traffik
- Sudanese Community in Portsmouth
- Sustrans
- The Box
- The Bridge Tavern
- The Briny
- The Canteen
- The Coastal Kitchen Family
- The Girls’ Network
- The Host Space
- The Mindful Movement Coach
- The News
- The Parenting Network
- The People’s Lounge
- The Roberts Centre
- The Royal Albert
- The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans
- The Tenth Hole
- The Wedgewood Rooms
- The YOU Trust
- Top Banana Cycling
- Toyosi kitchen
- Trash Arts
- Trash Cafe
- Treetops Centre
- Two Saints
- UK Cycling
- University of Portsmouth
- University of Winchester
- Veterans Outreach Support
- Victorious Events
- Vista
- Wessex Jamaat – The Al Mahdi Centre
- Wimbledon Park Patch
- Winchester City Council
- Winchester City of Sanctuary
- Work Better Innovations
- Workers Education Association
- You Fit at Holiday Inn
- Yellow Edge Gallery
- Zesh Rehman Foundation
- 4pmPrint
- 432Nomads